PortableStudies.com Video Player
Active Version : 2.0.4 (September 12, 2016) | Click to Download | (Required for Turning Movement Count Pro 3.0.0+)
The installation files are inside a ZIP file which is what you will get from the download link. Depending on your browser you might get a warning about zip files. However, you will have the option of ignoring the warning and keeping the downloaded file and thus open the installation tool.
Previous Version: 2.0.2 (November 3, 2015) | Click to Download | (Fixes Windows 10 Compatibility Issues)
Previous Version: 2.0.1 (September 19, 2015) | Click to Download
The installation files are inside a ZIP file which is what you will get from the download link. Depending on your browser you might get a warning about zip files. However, you will have the option of ignoring the warning and keeping the downloaded file and thus open the installation tool.
Previous Version: 2.0.2 (November 3, 2015) | Click to Download | (Fixes Windows 10 Compatibility Issues)
Previous Version: 2.0.1 (September 19, 2015) | Click to Download
This FREE software is the companion to the Turning Movement Count Pro Android App. It allows you to conduct turning movement counts from a previously-recorded intersection video. By using the app you will be able to produce the TDL file needed by the Report Generator to produce a turning movement count report in XLSX format. Premium features on the software (which require the purchase of a separate license) allow users to conduct turning movement counts using the mouse and keyboard interface. In other words, the software can be used as a turning movement count interface without the need for a phone or tablet. The license can be obtained by following the instructions on the software displayed when selecting Activate Premium Features from the Help menu.
How to Use the Software
On the computer
Launch the software and load the video of the intersection by going into File and selecting Open Video (Ctrl + N). Enter the count information on the study information screen. Make sure that the Start of Study is correct (i.e., it corresponds to the start of the video). If not, change it to the correct value. Pay attention to the IP Address displayed on the right side of the software screen. You will need to enter this information in your Android device to start the count. |
On your Android device
Launch the Turning Movement Count Pro Android app and select Video Controller from the menu. Launch the countboard by tapping Video-Based Countboard. If the Android device and the computer can communicate properly then the countboard interface will appear. Hit Play/Pause and start tapping a button every time you see a vehicle/pedestrian go by a movement of interest. Once you are done with the count, on the Video Data Logger go to File then select Save TDL File to export a TDL file that can be opened using the Report Generator software. |
Important Things to Know...
The device running the Turning Movement Count Pro and the computer running the Video Data Logger must be on the same network.
For example: If you are running the Video Data Logger on a laptop computer connected to the internet via a WIFI network then your Android Device must be connected to the same WIFI network. Remember: You don't have to do the entire count at once. Since the Report Generator allows you to combine multiple TDL files into one count you can conduct the first hour of a count, save the corresponding TDL file the come back and start a new count that focuses on the second hour and save another TDL file. |
Also, you can produce TDL files for different approaches. For example: a coworker at home could be in charge of counting the Northbound and Eastbound approaches while you take care of the Southbound and Westbound approaches. Then, both produce and TDL file and those files are later combined into a single report using the Report Generator.
And don't forget this capability... You can take a video camera to the field that records, for example, the Northbound and Eastbound approaches while you use the field interface of the app to count the Southbound and Westbound approaches. Then, in the office, you can merge the TDL file from the field and the TDL file produced using the Video Interface therefore reducing the number of people required to conduct a count at a complex intersection to one. |